Narcissus are also known as daffodils or jonquils. Narcissus" comes from the Greek for "numbness" referring to the narcotic properties of the plant.
The Romans first cultivated Narcissi and brought it over to Britain. They are native to Europe and Mediterranean.
The Narcissus flower comes in a variety of colours - yellows and whites, also soft pink and peach.
Narcissus grow best in sunny, well-drained locations. This is the key to their successful cultivation. Sunlight is important for the production of a strong bulb, while good drainage will prevent the bulb from rotting. Good foliage should not be removed, but should be maintained for at least 6 weeks. It is needed to develope a new bulb and flower bud for next spring's bloom. Narcissus bulbs are usually divided every 5-8 years in gardens, but less frequently when naturalised. Many cultivars are suitable for naturalising in a lawn or at the edge of wools.
Orchids grow wild in every country except Antarctica and come in several
Orchids are also called the "moth orchid", as their flowers resemble the shape of a moth or butterfly. They come in all colors except blue and true red, but are most often delicate pastel shades. Their abundant roots are white or silvery, and their leaves are broad and flat. They are attractive unusual flowers with an intoxicating fragrance.
Orchids are easy to care for and are amazingly sturdy and resilient. However like any houseplant they do need the right conditions in order to survive. Properly cared for they will bloom for over 3 months.
Since orchids come from very tropical areas they like a good amount of humidity. They have thick, spongy roots, and like it when their roots are misted when it's warm; also their leaves should be misted every day. Water the plant when, after lifting the pot, it feels light in weight -approx. once a week. Since they are a shade orchid, little or no direct light on their leaves is a good idea. When new growth is forming, fertilize these plants monthly with a water-soluble commercial orchid formulation. Phalaenopsis prefer room temperatures of about 60-75°F day and 55-70°F night; any lower than 55°F and the flowers will suffer. It is a good idea to repot every year or two with medium to large bark.
Pagoda Flower
Pagoda Flower (Clerodendrum paniculatum ) is a tropical spreading perennial.
It is native to India, Sri Lanka, Malaysia and much of southeastern Asia.
It is widely cultivated in tropical gardens throughout the world.
It has large, bright scarlet flowers with large evergreen leaves that have heart shaped bases; lower leaves are lobed and upper leaves entire. The leaves can be as large as 30.5 cm (12 in) across. They are arranged in opposite pairs along the fast growing stems which often branch from the roots rather than from a single trunk.
The flowers are funnel shaped with long tubes. The flower gets its name due to the fact that the flowers within the pyramid shaped cluster are tiered, like a Japanese pagoda.
They do best in full sun, but pagoda flower will tolerate partial shade. The ideal soil should be humus-rich and well-drained. Water freely during the growing season, but sparingly during winter.
Spider Lily
Spider lilies also known as Basket lilies. Latin name (Hymenocallis latifolia.) This particular species is native to Florida. It has fragrent flowers, especially at night and a very attractive blossom, which make it a very popular ornamental flower. They can be used for mass planting; border; accent, and edging.
The fragrant, long lasting flowers have a 6-inch-long flower tube with narrow, long, recurving sepals and petals. The upright filaments of these delicate flowers are connected by a gossamer web, hence it's name.
The flowers have 6 Regular Parts. They are white (as shown). Blooms first appear in mid summer and continue into late summer. The very showy flowers face outward from the top of a single stalk. There can be 3 to 9 flowers.
The ideal location would be in full sun or very light shade.
Frangipani is also known as Temple Tree. Fragrant flowering shrubs or trees (dogbane family Apocynaceae, genus Plumeria), native to tropical America, cultivated in all tropical countries; different species have red, pink, white, or yellow funnel-shaped flowers with five waxy, spreading petals; clusters of 20 or more blossoms; origin of name uncertain; may be from French franchipanier (“coagulated milk”) referring to milky sap; or from Italian nobleman of that name who in the Middle Ages distilled a perfume called frangipani from red jasmine.
Frangipani is also the sacred flower of the Maya, the red and the white species of Plumeria (rubra and alba) represent the sun and the moon respectively in Maya thought and imagery.The flowers are strongly and beautifully scented.
The best uses for the Frangipani plant is container or above-ground planter; large
parking lot islands (> 200 square feet in size); wide
tree lawns (6 feet wide); medium-sized parking lotislands (100-200 square feet in size); medium-sized
tree lawns (4-6 feet wide); recommended for buffer bstrips around parking lots or for median strip plantings in the highway; near a deck or patio; small parking lot
islands ( 100 square feet in size); narrow tree lawns(3-4 feet wide); specimen; sidewalk cutout (tree pit);
residential street tree; no proven urban tolerance.
Frangipani is very susceptible to freezing temperatures and should be adequately protected or
planted only in areas which do not freeze in thewinter. Plants will grow quickly in full sun on a
variety of well-drained soils and is fairly drought and
salt tolerant. Reaching a height of 20 to 25 feet with
an equal spread, Frangipani works well as a
freestanding specimen, a patio tree, or as part of a
shrubbery border. It displays well in a front yard as
an attention-grabber by the entrance. It can be grown
with a single trunk or branched low to the ground into
a multi-trunked specimen. Single-trunk specimens
could be planted as median or street trees on 15 to 20-
While Plumeria rubra produces red-toned flowers, other species offer a variety of colors. Plumeria alba
has white flowers. Plumeria obtusa has white blooms
centered in yellow and is variable in form and color.
There are other species and cultivars.
Propagation is by cuttings. Large hardwood
cuttings should be allowed to dry several days while
leafy tip cuttings should be planted immediately.